CSS :: Origin Of State

221.  Who said "So long as the General will is Sovereign, it does not matter what form of government it may be
A. Hobbes B. Rousseau
C. Hegel D. T.H. Green

222.  Rousseau championed the cause of:
A. Elites B. Representative Democracy
C. Direct Democracy D. Absolute Monarchy

223.  According to Prof. Jones the most original, the most interesting and historically the most important contribution of Rousseau to Political Theory was theconcept of:
A. Popular sovereignty B. Direct Democracy
C. General Will D. Constitutional Monarchy

224.  The early Oriental Empires were ruled by:
A. Military leaders B. Elected leaders
C. Priests D. Hereditary monarchs

225.  The Greek city-states are regarded as the best specimens of:
A. Military rule B. Direct democracy
C. Representative democracy D. Absolute rule

226.  The two most outstanding city-states of ancient Greece were:
A. Athens and Rome B. Rome and Sparta
C. Athens and Venice D. Athens and Sparta

227.  The nation state came into existence after:
A. The decline of the Roman Empire B. The decline of the Feudal state
C. The decline of the Colonial Empires D. The decline of the imperial states of orient

228.  The evolutionary theory regarding the origin of states on:
A. Revolutionary principle B. Evolutionary principle
C. Religious principles D. Scientific-cum-religious principles

229.  Which one of the following condition was not associated with the state of nature as expounded by Locke?
A. The state of nature was a state of peace, mutual assistance and cooperation B. There were natural rights of life, liberty and property
C. The prevalence of natural law D. There was continuous fear and danger of violent death

230.  Who wrote the following terms of the social contract? "I authorise and give up my right of governing myself to this man, or to this assembly of men, on this condition that thou give up thy right to him, and authorise all his actions in the like manner".
A. Rousseau B. Locke
C. Hobbes D. Spinoza

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