CSS :: Origin Of State

121.  The book in which Hobbes gave theory of Social Contract is entitled:
A. Leviathan B. Social contract theory
C. A History of Political Theory D. The Modern State

122.  According to Hobbes the state of Nature was a period of:
A. Peace and plenty B. Constant warfare
C. Peace and scarcity D. Religious dominance

123.  According to Hobbes people in the state of nature enjoyed:
A. Only the right to life, liberty and property B. No rights
C. Only economic rights D. Unspecified natural rights

124.  Hobbes holds that under the contract which resulted in the creation of state:
A. People surrendered all their rights to the sovereign unconditionally B. People surrendered their rights subject to certain conditions
C. Surrendered only their rights to property and religion D. People refused to surrender their rights

125.  In the contract envisaged by Hobbes:
A. Sovergign was a party to the contract B. Sovereign refused to become a party to the contract
C. Sovereign accpeted only limited obligations D. Sovereign came into being as a result of the Contract

126.  According to Hobbes the people:
A. Were free to revoke the contract B. Could amend the contract by two-thirds majority
C. Could not revoke the contract D. Automatically lapsed if one of the parties failed to carry out its part of obligations

127.  Hobbes says that the people:
A. Could disobey the orders of the sovereign B. Could not disobey the orders of the sovereign
C. Could disobey the sovereign after giving him due notice D. Could disobey the orders only if they were illegal

128.  After the creation of state, according to Hobbes, people continued to enjoy:
A. Certain natural rights B. Those rights which were granted to them by the sovereign
C. Those rights which they had retained at the time of the conclusion of the contract D. Only those rights which were specified in the contract

129.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Hobbes failed to make any distinction between state and government B. Hobbes was the first modern political thinker to draw a distinction between state and government
C. Hobbes considered the government as the creator or Sovereign D. Hobbes did not know either about state or government

130.  Hobbes gives right to the individual:
A. To disobey the sovereign under certain conditions B. Not to disobey the sovereign under any condition
C. To disobey the sovereign only if he acts against national interest D. To disobey the sovereign if he fails to act in accordance with the terms of the contract

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