CSS :: Origin Of State

171.  The Social Contract theory paved the way for:
A. Rise of absolute monarchy B. Introduction of direct democracy
C. Growth of autocratic systems of governent D. Democracy

172.  Rousseau's Social Contract theory exercised immense influence on:
A. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England B. The French Revolution of 1779
C. The French Revolution of October 1917 D. The American War of independence

173.  The view that the state arose not as the creator of law but the interpreter and enforcer of customs was expressed by:
A. Hobbes B. Marx
C. Locke D. Rousseau

174.  Who out of the followings made out a case for absolute monarchy:
A. Hobbes B. Locke
C. T.H.Green D. Rousseau

175.  The Social Contract theory replaced:
A. The Force theory B. Divine Origin theory
C. Patriarchal theory D. Matriarchal theory

176.  Who said that "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"?
A. Aristotle B. Marx
C. Rousseau D. Locke

177.  Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. Locke's law of nature was nothing but a bundle of common senses B. Locke talks of two contracts Social and Governmental
C. Locke says that the Social Contract is superior to the Governmental Contract D. Locke held that the Governmental Contract was superior to the Social Contract

178.  Which one of the followings is accepted as the true theory of the origin of state?
A. Divine Right theory B. Force theory
C. Social Contract theory D. Evolutionary theory

179.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Historical and evolutionary theories are the same B. Historical and evolutionary theories are two opposite theories
C. Historical and evolutionary theories have many common points D. Historical and evolutionary theories deal with the origin and functions of state respectively

180.  The theory of origin of state which holds that the state is the result of slow process of growth is known as:
A. Organic Theory B. Social Contract Theory
C. Evolutionary Theory D. Patriarchal Theory

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