CSS :: Origin Of State

181.  The Evolutionary theory holds that:
A. The state was created during the early periods of human history B. State was created by revolution
C. State was created in the fourteenth century D. State is the result of slow process of growth

182.  The four factors which helped in the evolution of the state were:
A. Population, Religion, Government and Force B. Population, Territory, Government
C. Kinship, Religion, Force and Political Consciousness D. Religion, Force, Territory and Government

183.  Kinship, which according to the Evolutionary theory was one of the major contributory factors for the origin of state, means:
A. Rule by Kind B. Belief in common blood relationship
C. Belief in divinity of Kind D. Association with peoples of the same region

184.  Religion helped in the evolution of state by cultivating following two qualities:
A. Reverence and obedience B. Faith and Power
C. Faith in heaven and hell D. Superstition and faith in god

185.  Which one of the followings is the most acceptable theory regarding the origin of the state:
A. Social Contract B. Divine Origin
C. Force theory D. Historical theory

186.  The earliest territorial State was:
A. Greek city-state B. Oriental Empire
C. Roman Empire D. Feudal State

187.  The early Oriental Empires rested on:
A. Fear of God B. Despotism of King
C. Sweet will of the people D. Laws of nature

188.  The early Oriental Empires were mostly located:
A. One the sea coasts B. In the fertile valleys
C. On the banks of rivers D. In Europe

189.  Tribal State means:
A. A political organization which existed before the creation of the state B. The state, which are ruled by the Kings of the same tribe
C. The states possessing population from the same tribe D. The states which have majority of tribal population

190.  The City-states which made their appearance before the birth of Christ are generally associated with:
A. China B. India
C. Rome D. Greece

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