CSS :: Origin Of State

201.  In modern times the Force theory of the origin of state found a strong advocate in
A. Lenin B. Winston Churchill
C. Hitler D. Mahatma Gandhi

202.  Which one of the following thinkers did not criticise the theory of social contract?
A. Karl Marx B. Wright
C. Vaughan D. T.H. Green

203.  The area test contribution of Hobbes to Political theory was:
A. Natural State Theory B. Social Contract Theory
C. Monarchical Theory D. Patriarcal Theory

204.  According to Hobbes the primitive people were encouraged to conclude social contract on account of:
A. Anarchy B. Growth of political consciousness
C. Their desire to preserve private property D. Their desire to preserve individual liberty

205.  The main profounder of the evolutionary theory were:
A. Hobbes and Locke B. Lenin and Marx
C. Plato and Aristotle D. Burgess and Leacock

206.  Which one of the followings has not been included by Locke 2in the list of natural rights?
A. Right of life B. Right to liberty
C. Right to property D. Right to work

207.  Who said that man's life in the state of nature was 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short'?
A. Hobbes B. Locke
C. Rousseau D. Karl Marx

208.  "The state is neither the handiwork of God, nor the result of superior physical force, nor the creation of a resulution or convention nor a mere expansion of the family" who said this?
A. Laski B. Garner
C. Hegel D. T.H. Green

209.  The modern state is described as:
A. A police state B. A welfare state
C. A laissez faire state D. Autocratic state

210.  Which one of the following theories regarding the origin of state was very popular during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
A. Divine Origin Theory B. Force Theory
C. Social Contract Theory D. Historical Theory

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