Engineering :: Business Management

231.  Which of the following item enjoys governemtn subsidy?
A. Fertiliser B. Petroleum
C. Cooking gas D. Cloth

232.  All of the following are perquisites EXCEPT:
A. Leave Travel Assistance B. Contributory Provident Fund
C. Travelling allowance D. Leave encashment

233.  All of the following are the characteristics of capitalism EXCEPT:
A. Right to private property B. Economic equality
C. Profit motive D. Right of free enterprise

234.  All of the following are the characteristics of socialism EXCEPT:
A. Lack of competition B. Government owns factors of production
C. Elimination of exploitation D. Private sector to help public sector

235.  All of the following are the characteristics of mixed economy EXCEPT:
A. Co-existence of private and public sectors B. Economic welfare
C. Economic equality D. Govt. control over huge capital investment industries

236.  Which of the following is not a form utility?
A. A carpenter B. A transporter
C. A craftsman D. A blacksmith

237.  Which of the following does not represent time utility?
A. Old rice B. Cold storage
C. Sand in cities D. All of the above

238.  Which cheque can be encashed by any one
A. Account payee cheque B. Crossed cheque
C. Bearer cheque D. none of the above

239.  Mixed economy is identified by
A. Lack of competition B. co-existence of public and private sectors
C. vigorous competition D. rising trend in prices

240.  Who among the following offers service utility?
A. Teacher B. Peon
C. Philosopher D. Doctor

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