Engineering :: Business Management

191.  Which of the following is the characteristic of national income distribution of India?
A. Great income inequalities B. Inequality in sharing consumption
C. Regional disparities in growth and development D. All of the above

192.  NREP is the agency associated with
A. rural employment B. industrial growth
C. adult education D. removal of economic disparities

193.  Which of the following agency is associated with housing?

194.  The major cause of unemployment in India is
A. under development B. inadequate employment planning
C. rapid population growth D. All of the above

195.  Which of the following is not the characteristics of human wants?
A. Some wants are complementary B. Wants differ intensity
C. Wants are limited in number D. Wants are satisfied for the time being and are, therefore recurrent

196.  During inflation
A. prices rise B. prices drop
C. prices remain unchanged D. prices fluctuate heavily

197.  Under progressive tax
A. the tax rate goes on increasing with an increase in the level of income B. the tax rate is constant
C. the tax rate goes on decreasing with an increase in the level of income D. the tax rate is inversely proportional to the net income

198.  Saving is that portion of income that is
A. spent on luxuries B. not spent on consumption
C. retained by the employer D. none of the above

199.  Which of the following is an example of non-economic goods?
A. A packet of cigarette B. Sand in desert
C. Plastic scrap D. An empty bottle of whickey

200.  Which of the following is not wealth?
A. Office building B. Goodwill of a firm
C. Services of a consultant D. Water in sea

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