Engineering :: Foundry Technology

221.  Non-uniform distribution of alloying components, inclusions and impurities in an ingot or casting are known as
A. segregation B. ageing
C. innoculation D. bleeding

222.  Casting made in relatively simple shapes and designed for subsequent fabrication by rolling, forging etc. are known as
A. rolls B. chills
C. ingots D. pigs

223.  Refractories should have all the following properties EXCEPT:
A. Minimum contraction and expansion due to temperature variations B. High electrical conductivity
C. Long life D. Heat insulation

224.  For sterite refractory bricks are attacked by
A. basic slags B. acid slags
C. alkali compounds D. all of the above

225.  Pattern used in foundry shop is
A. Equal in size to the casting B. Somewhat larger in size than the casting
C. Somewhat smaller in size than the casting

226.  Contraction allowance for grey cast iron is (in mm/m)
A. 30 B. 10.5
C. 21

227.  Pattern draft for internal surfaces is
A. Less than that for external surfaces B. More than that for external surfaces
C. Equal to that for external surfaces

228.  Pattern draft for external surfaces is (in mm/m)
A. 15 -- 50 B. 10 -- 25
C. 40 - 60

229.  Pattern draft for internal surfaces is (in mm/m)
A. 10 -- 30 B. 40 - 70
C. 50 - 80

230.  Hand tool used in foundry shop for mixing and conditioning the foundry sand is termed
A. Riddle B. Shovel
C. Trowel

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