Engineering :: Foundry Technology

231.  The rammer used for packing the sand in pockets/corners of a mould is known as
A. Floor rummer B. Peen rammer
C. Hand rammer

232.  Rammer used for moulding the sand in large mould known as
A. Peen rammer B. Floor rammer
C. Hand rammer

233.  The tool used to make small holes in the sand mould to allow passage of gases/steam is known as
A. Draw spike B. Vent wire
C. Draw screw

234.  The moulding tool used for finishing/repairing the sand mould after pattern withdrawal is termed as
A. Trowels B. Lifters or cleaners
C. Slincks

235.  The sprue pin/sprue hole used for sand moulds is
A. Tapered upwards B. Tapered downwards
C. Has no taper at all

236.  The lower portion of the moulding flasks are known as
A. Cope B. Drag
C. Cheek

237.  The property of the foundry sand which enables it to adhere to the surface of other materials is termed
A. Cohesiveness B. Adhesiveness
C. Either of (A) or (B)

238.  Refractoriness in the moulding sand is due to the presence of
A. Clay B. Silica
C. Additives and Binders

239.  Permeability of moulding sand is increased due to/by
A. Hard ramming B. Soft ramming
C. Clay

240.  Sand grains which give high mould strength are
A. Rounded grains B. Sharp or Angular grains
C. Sub-angular grains

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