Engineering :: Foundry Technology

241.  The "Green sand" is termed so, because
A. it is green in colour B. it contains moisture
C. none of the above

242.  The sand used for sprinkling on the patterns/parting surface of the mould is known as
A. Floor sand B. Parting sand
C. Dry-sand

243.  The sand used for filling the bulk of the moulding flask
A. Facing sand B. Floor sand
C. Dry-sand

244.  The purpose of clay in a moulding sand is to
A. Mak the mould permeable B. Act as a binder in the mould
C. Make the mould refractory

245.  Moisture content of the moulding sand is commonly
A. 1% - 4% B. 2% - 8%
C. 5% - 15%

246.  A designer would attempt to avoid bosses and pads in the casting because
A. it is difficult to incorporate in pattern B. mould formation is difficult in pressence of boss
C. projections such as bosses and pads can not merge with thinner sections D. they being thicker will take longer to solidify and hence will suffer from residual stresses and coarse grains

247.  Cores are made from core sand mixed with the binder which may be
A. linseed oil B. turpentine
C. cement D. none of the above

248.  Silica is the second most important constituent of moulding sand which provides
A. binding strength B. refractoriness
C. chemical resistance D. none of the above

249.  The strength of the sand is high if grains are
A. round and small B. sharp and irregular in shape
C. large and regular in shape D. none of the above

250.  Which statement is not true for green sand moulding?
A. Moulds are cheapest B. Preparation of moulds is less time consuming
C. Defect free and castings with good surface is obtained D. none of the above

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