CSS :: Journalism Past Papers MCQs

181.  Social scientists are engaging in research when they study advertising's contribution to the creation of a consumer culture.
A. Critical B. Ritual
C. Micro-level D. Transmissional

182.  An individual who believes that a breakdown of traditional values will be the inevitable result of the spread of the Internet is said to believe in:
A. Manifest destiny B. Technological despotism
C. Latent destiny D. Technological determinism

183.  The purchase of 20th Century Fox by Australian company News Corp is an example of:
A. Audience fragmentation B. Erosion of distinctions among media
C. Concentration of media ownership D. Globalization of media

184.  You are most likely to find a griot in:
A. Dominant cultures B. Bounded cultures
C. Literate cultures D. Preliterate cultures

185.  In oral or preliterate cultures:
A. Myth and history are intertwined B. Language is very general
C. There is a clear division of labour among members D. Memory is devalued

186.  In literate cultures:
A. Myth and history are interwined B. Role and status are rigidly defined
C. There is a clear division of labour among members D. Elders are revered for their experience

187.  Gutenberg was a by trade:
A. Goldsmith and metallurgist B. Merchant
C. Painter D. Clergyman

188.  Books were the first mass-produced product, speeding the development of:
A. Magazines B. Capitalism
C. Powerful monarchies throughout Europe D. A more powerful literate clergy

189.  Increased leisure time and expendable income are two products of:
A. Advances in steam-powered printing presses B. The decline of literate cultures
C. The Industrial Revolution D. The Protestant Reformation

190.  Literacy is the ability to:
A. Deliver an effective oral presentation B. Participate in trade and commerce
C. Effectively and efficiently comprehend and utilize a given form of communication D. Read and write at a college level

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