CSS :: Journalism Past Papers MCQs

161.  New York Weekly Journal publisher Peter Zenger was jailed for publishing:
A. Without paying his Stamp Tax B. Without a license too much advertising
C. "Seditious libel" about the governor of New York D. None of these

162.  The Bill of Rights refers to:
A. The readers right to be informed by impartial journalism B. Freedom of the press
C. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution D. The written claims of editorial freedom instituted by Colonial publishers

163.  In 1833, Benjamin Day published the New York Sun, the first:
A. Chain newspaper B. Advertising-free newspaper
C. Penny newspaper D. Yellow newspaper

164.  The first African American newspaper, _____ was published in 1827 by John B.Russwurum and the Reverend Samuel Cornish:
A. Freedom's Journal B. The North Star
C. The Chicago Tribune D. The Ram's Horn

165.  Different newspapers throughout the country that have the same owner are called:
A. Chain newspapers B. Conglomerate newspapers
C. Jointly-operated newspapers D. Yellow newspapers

166.  The Christian Science Monitor is an example of an:
A. Suburban weekly B. Alternative weekly
C. National Daily D. Metropolitan daily

167.  Which category of newspaper has seen the greatest decline in circulation since 1970?
A. Morning metropolitan dailies B. Evening metropolitan dailies
C. Alternative weeklies D. Suburban dailies

168.  Syndicates:
A. Operate as clearinghouses for the work of columnists, essayists, cartoonists, and other cretive individuals B. Manage joint operating agreements to the mutual benefit of both papers
C. Place an advertiser's ads in papers throughout the country D. None of these

169.  Civic Journalism refers to:
A. Ethical and professional journalistic practice B. Newspapers actively engaging the community in their reporting of important issues
C. The reporting of local community news and events D. None of these

170.  The original muckrakers:
A. Rarely took institutions that advertised in the pages of the magazines for whom they wrote B. Were welcomed by government as a check on powerful institutions
C. Were writers who agitated for change by targeting powerful political and industrial people and institutions. D. None of these

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