CSS :: Journalism Past Papers MCQs

171.  Controlled circulation refers to:
A. A magazine provided at no cost to reader who meet some specific set of advertiser attractive criteria B. A magazine efforts to control its circulation to ensure a broad based reader demographic profile
C. Magazines that intentionally limit or control circulation to ensure a high proportion of demographically valuable readers D. None of these

172.  When you read Slate or Salon, you're reading magazine:
A. A consumer B. An online
C. Respectively, a trade and professional D. None of these

173.  Persistence of vision refers to:
A. People's ability to see motion in rapidly moving pictures B. A montage device in which the same image is repeated over and over for dramatic purposes
C. A film maker's desire to have people see a film several times D. None of these

174.  Demonstrating, that large audiences would sit in a darkened theater to watch movies was an important contribution to the development of motion pictures. It was accomplished by:
A. William Dickson B. Ediwin S. Porter
C. The Lumiere brothers D. George Melics

175.  The first producer to edit, intercut scenes, and use a mobile camera was _______ in The Great Train Robbery:
A. Edwin S. Porter B. George Melies
C. D.W.Griffith D. William Dickson

176.  Block booking refers to:
A. A distributor forcing an exhibitor to take an inferior film in order to secure access to a better one B. A studio producing several films on a single theme
C. Modern, filmmaking characterized by reduced risktaking and formulaic stories D. An exhibitor owning several screens in one geographic area

177.  The three component systems of the movie business are:
A. Pre-production, post-production, and distribution B. Production; distribution, and exhibition
C. Production, direction, and financing. D. The studio, the director, and the actors

178.  Concept films:
A. Can be described in one line and are thus easy to promote and market B. Are usually tied to content that has been on television
C. Tend to be far more creative and imaginative than independent films D. None of these

179.  Movie box office figures are an example of:
A. Delayed and inferential feedback in interpersonal communication B. Delayed and inferential feedback in mass communication
C. Instant and direct feedback in interpersonal communication. D. Instant and direct feedback in mass communication

180.  People who belong to a bounded culture:
A. Usually identify themselves as members of that culture B. Are generally looked down on in the United States
C. Do not generally get along with people outside tht culture D. Choose not to participate in the dominant culture

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