Engineering :: Surveying

181.  It is required to find the difference in elevation between two points A and B. During levelling, it is found that the staff reading at B is more than the staff reading at A. It indicates that the point A is
A. higher than B. lower than

182.  Collimation method is used in
A. profile levelling B. differential levelling
C. check levelling D. both (a) and (b)

183.  Rise and fall method is used in.
A. profile levelling B. differential levelling
C. check levelling D. none of these

184.  The method of levelling in which the heights of mountains are found by observing the temperature at which water boils is known as
A. barometric levelling B. reciprocal levelling
C. longitudinal levelling D. hypometry

185.  Which of the following statement is correct?
A. In levelling, the effect of curvature is to decrease the staff reading. B. The effect of refraction in levelling is to increase the staff reading.
C. The combined effect of curvature and refraction in levelling is to increase the staff reading. D. all of the above

186.  In levelling, the effect of refraction varies with the atmospheric conditions
A. Yes B. No

187.  When the effect of curvature is taken into account in levelling, the true staff reading is obtained by
A. adding B. subtracting

188.  In levelling, the effect of refraction may be taken as
A. one-half B. one-third
C. one-fifth D. one-seventh

189.  When the effect of refraction is taken into account in levelling, the true staff reading is obtained by subtracting the correction for refraction from the observed staff reading.
A. Right B. Wrong

190.  In levelling, the correction for curvature (in metres) is equal, where D = Distance from the level to the staff reading in kilometres.
A. 0.00785 D2 B. 0.0785 D2
C. 0.0112 D2 D. 0.0673 D2

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