Engineering :: Surveying

101.  The diurnal variation of the magnetic needle is more in
A. summer than winter B. winter than summer

102.  When the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 185? 20', the magnetic declination will be
A. 5? 20' east B. 5? 20' west
C. 5? 20' north D. 5? 20' south

103.  When the magnetic declination is 5? 20' east, the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon will be
A. 95? 20' B. 174? 40'
C. 185? 20' D. 354? 40'

104.  The magnetic bearing of a line is 55? 30v and the magnetic declination is 4? 30' west. The true bearing of a line will be
A. 30? B. 34? 30
C. 49? D. 51?

105.  The magnetic bearing of a line is S 35? 30' E and the magnetic declination is 4? 10' east. The true bearing of a line will be
A. S 31? 30' E B. S 31? 30' W
C. S 39? 50' E D. S 38? 50' W

106.  When the magnetic declination is negative, the magnetic meridian is towards the west of true meridian.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

107.  The theodolite is an instrument used for measuring very accurately
A. horizontal angles only B. vertical angles only
C. horizontal and vertical angles D. linear measurements

108.  The process of turning the telescope of a theodolite over its supporting axis through 180? in a vertical plane, is called
A. transiting B. reversing
C. plunging D. any one of these

109.  An imaginary line joining the point of intersection of the cross-hairs of the diaphragm and the optical centre of the object glass, is known as
A. fundamental line B. axis of telescope
C. axis of level tube D. line of collimation

110.  A line joining the optical centre of the object glass and the centre of the eye piece, is known as
A. fundamental line B. axis of telescope
C. axis of level tube D. line of collimation

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