Engineering :: Surveying

171.  A staff reading taken on a point whose elevation is to be determined as on a change point is called.
A. fore sight reading B. back sight reading
C. intermediate sight D. none of these

172.  The line of collimation should be
A. vertical B. horizontal

173.  To find the true difference of level between two points, the level should be kept
A. at either of the two points B. exactly midway between the two points
C. at any point on the line joining the two points D. none of the above

174.  For accurate work, the lengths of back sight and fore sight are kept unequal.
A. Agree B. Disagree

175.  The reduced level of the plane of collimation is
A. equal to B. less than
C. greater than

176.  The height of instrument is equal to
A. reduced level of bench mark + back sight B. reduced level of bench mark + fore sight
C. reduced level of bench mark + intermediate sight D. back sight + fore sight

177.  The levelling should always commence from a temporary bench mak and end on a permanent bench mark.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

178.  A method of differential levelling is used in order to find the difference in elevation between two points when
A. they are too far apart B. there are obstacles between them
C. the difference in elevation between them is too great D. all of the above

179.  The collimation method for obtaining the reduced levels of points does not provide a check on
A. fore sights B. back sights
C. change points D. intermediate sights

180.  The rise and fall method for obtaining the reduced levels of points provides a check on
A. fore sights only B. back sights only
C. intermediate sights only D. all of these

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