Engineering :: Surveying

241.  The shift of a curve is
A. equal to B. one-half
C. one-third D. one-fourth

242.  The autogenous curve of an automobile corresponds to a
A. cubic parabola B. clothoid spiral
C. true spiral D. lemniscate

243.  In a lemniscate curve, the angle between the tangent at the end of the polar ray and the tangent at the commencement of the curve (i.e. straight) is
A. equal to B. double
C. three times D. four times

244.  A branch of surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained by instrumental observations, is known as
A. chain surveying B. plane table surveying
C. tacheometric surveying D. hydrographic surveying

245.  A stadia telescope, in a tacheometer, is fitted with
A. two additional vretical hairs B. two additional horizontal hairs
C. all of these

246.  The principle of tacheometry is used
A. for locating contours B. on hydrographic surveys
C. for filling in detail in topographic surveys D. all of these

247.  When a staff is sighted through the telescope, a certain length of staff is intercepted by the stadia lines. The staff intercept varies with the distance at which the staff is held.
A. Yes B. No

248.  The additive constant for the tacheometer is
A. f / i B. I / f
C. f / d D. f + d

249.  The multiplying constant for the tacheometer is, generally, kept as
A. 20 B. 40
C. 60 D. 100

250.  The value of additive constant for the tacheometer varies from
A. 0 to 15 cm B. 15 to 30 cm
C. 30 to 45 cm D. 45 to 60 cm

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