Engineering :: Surveying

231.  The deflection angle for any chord is equal to the deflection angle for the proceeding chord minus the tangential angle for that chord.
A. Yes B. No

232.  When the curve is to be set out over a rough ground, the method used is
A. Rankine's method B. two theodolite method
C. tacheometric method D. either (b) or (c)

233.  Two theodolite method of setting out a curve involves
A. linear measurements only B. angular measurements only
C. both linear and angular measurements D. none of these

234.  In tachcometric method of setting out a curve, no chain or tape is used.
A. True B. False

235.  The curve of varying radius is known as
A. simple curve B. compound curve
C. reverse curve D. transition cruve

236.  The object of introducing a transition curve at each end of the circular curve is
A. to obtain a gradual increase of curvature from zero at the tangent point to the specified quantity at the junction of the transition curve with the circular curve B. to provide a satisfactory means of obtaining a gradual increase of super-elevation from zero on the tangent point to the specified amount on the main circular curve
C. to accomplish gradually the transition from the tangent to the circular curve and from the circular curve to the tangent D. all of the above

237.  A transition curve when inserted between the tangent and the circular curve
A. should meet the original straight tangentially B. should meet the circular curve tangentially
C. the rate of increase of curvature along the transition curve should be same as that of increase of super-elevation D. all of the above

238.  The magnitude of super-elevation depends upon the speed of the vehicle and the radius of the curve
A. Correct B. Incorrect

239.  The fundamental requirement of the spiral curve is that its radius of curvature at any point shall vary inversely as the distance from the beginning of the curve.
A. Agree B. Disagree

240.  The curve used for ideal transition curve is a
A. cubic parabola B. clothoid spiral
C. cubic spiral D. lemniscate

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