Engineering :: Surveying

141.  In railway and highway works, the method of measuring the
A. direct angles B. deflection angles

142.  An angle between the inclined line of sight and the horizontal is called
A. direct angle B. vertical angle
C. horizontal angle D. deflection angle

143.  Generally, the deflection angle is measured twice, once with the telescope normal and once with the telescope reversed.
A. True B. False

144.  In locating the details of an object whose direct measurement is not possible due to some obstruction, the method used is
A. by angles and distances from the same station B. by angle from one station and distance from the other station
C. by distance from two different stations D. by angles from two different stations

145.  In locating the details of inaccessible objects visible atleast from transit stations, the method used is
A. by angles and distances from the same station B. by angle from one station and distance from the other station
C. by distances from two different stations D. none of the above

146.  The traversing by the method of deflection angles is chiefly used in
A. canals B. highways
C. railways D. all of these

147.  The projection of a traverse line on a line perpendicular to the meridian is known as
A. latitude of the line B. departure of the line
C. bearing of the line D. co-ordinate of the line

148.  Which of the following statement is wrong?
A. The distance measured parallel to the north-south line is called latitude of the line. B. The distance measured parallel to the east-west line is called departure of the line.
C. The latitude is positive when measured downward or southward. D. The departure is negative when measured to the left or westward.

149.  The projection of a traverse line on a line parallel to the meridian is known as
A. latitude B. departure
C. bearing

150.  If any closed traverse, if the survey work is correct, then
A. the algebraic sum of latitudes should be equal to zero B. the algebraic sum of departures should be equal to zero
C. the sum of northings should be equal to the sum of southings D. all of the above

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