CSS :: Soil Science

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81.  Bacteria present in the root nodules of legumes plants is:
A. Clostridium B. Azospirillum
C. Thizobium D. Azotobacter

82.  Betjertnckia may be present in the soils having pH:
A. 3?9 B. 1?5
C. 7?12 D. None of these

83.  Beijerinckia may fixed the N2 upto ______ mg N2/gm sugar:
A. 50-60 B. 10?12
C. 20?25 D. 25?50

84.  Biofertilizer is a:
A. Mixture of organic matter and microorganism B. Mixture of inorganic fertilizer and microorganism
C. Culture having the desired strain of microorganisms D. Decomposed compost enriched with nimeral solubilising bacteria

85.  Biological nitrogen fixation is:
A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of the above

86.  Black and dark coloured soils absorb _____ heat from sublight than light coloured soils:
A. Less B. More
C. Negligible D. Very high

87.  White irregular spots between veins of upper leaves of maize plant shows deficiency of:
A. Copper B. Molybdenum
C. Manganese D. Boron

88.  Black soils ______ in organic matter and high in bases:
A. Poor B. Medium
C. High D. None of these

89.  Black soils are _____ when wet and very hard when dry:
A. Very hard B. Very soft
C. Soft D. Hard

90.  Black soils have ______ amount of lime and P:
A. High B. Low
C. Very low D. Very high

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