CSS :: Soil Science

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11.  A combination of many taxonomic units like soil series, phase or types is called:
A. Soil variant B. Soil series
C. Soil complex D. Soil association

12.  A complex mixture of brown amorphous and colloidal substances synthesized by various soil organisms is referred to as:
A. Compost B. Humus
C. FYM D. Peat super compost

13.  A man made epipedon in many characters except P2O5 content (more than 250 ppm) is:
A. Hisitic epipedon B. Ochric epipedon
C. Anthropic epipedon D. Umbric epipedon

14.  A pH value of 6.0 indicates that the soil reaction is:
A. Acidic B. Alkaline
C. Neutral D. Highly alkaline

15.  A property of fluids by virtue of which it reduces the relative motion among different layers of fluid, is termed as:
A. Soil consistency B. Soil specificity
C. Soil viscosity D. None of these

16.  A sequence of soil of about same age, derived from same parent material and occurring under similar climatic conditions but has different characteristics due to variation in relief and drainage is termed as:
A. Soil series B. Catina
C. Soil phase D. None of the above

17.  A soil absorbs about _____ of incoming solar radiation:
A. 5% B. 10%
C. 15% D. 20%

18.  A soil which has pH less than 8.5, ESP less than 15 and EC more than 4 mmhos/cm at 25 ?C is called:
A. Saline soil B. Alkaline soil
C. Saline-alkali soil D. None of these

19.  A soil, which has pH more than 8.5, ESP more than 15 and EC less than 4 mmhos/cm at 25?C, is called:
A. Saline soil B. Alkaline soil
C. Saline alkaline soil D. All of the above

20.  A soil with 20 me ______ 100 g ECE and me/100 gm exchangeable H will have a base saturation of:
A. 25% B. 75%
C. 80% D. 133.30%

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