CSS :: Soil Science

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21.  A sub-surface horizon in which the accumulation of organic matter and clay occurs just below the plough:
A. A horizon B. B horizon
C. C horizon D. None of these

22.  A sub-surface horizon with highly oxidized material and 1:1 type clay minerals is known as:
A. Cambic horizon B. Sodic horizon
C. Oxic horizon D. Agric horizon

23.  A surface horizon, which has very high organic matter, is:
A. Hisitic epipedon B. Ochric epipedon
C. Umbric epipedon D. None of the above

24.  A thick dark coloured horizon, which has high, base saturation (50% or more), high organic matter content and with strong soil structure is called :
A. Umbric epipedon B. Mollie epipedon
C. Ochrie epipedon D. Histic epipedon

25.  A unit of soil classification as well as soil mapping which is similar to soil series in most of the soil properties except one or two but the area of such a unit is not enough to establish it as a separate series and show on a soil map, is known as:
A. Soil association B. Soil phase
C. Soil variant D. None of them

26.  A vertical section of soil body, which shows different layer, is known as:
A. Soil horizons B. Soil profile
C. Regolith D. Parent material

27.  A vertical section of the soil through all its horizons are extending into the parent material is known as:
A. Soil horizons B. Solum
C. Profile D. None of the above

28.  A well developed soil has:
A. A horizon B. B horizon
C. C horizon D. All of the above

29.  Quantity of single super phosphate needed for applying 80 kg P2O5/ha to sugarcane will be:
A. 250 kg B. 500 kg
C. 750 kg D. 1000 kg

30.  A = B (1-y) denotes A-value in which A is equal to:
A. Amount of available nutrients in soil B. Amount of total nutrients in soil
C. Amount of unavailable nutrients in soil D. None of these

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