CSS :: Soil Science

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121.  Deficiency of Mo in citrus plants results in:
A. Heart rot B. Yellow spots
C. Khaira disease D. All of above

122.  Deficiency of several elements is exhibited first in the apical region of the growing part due to there:
A. Autolysis B. Mobile nature
C. Translocation D. Immobile nature

123.  Degree of soil salinity is indicated by its:
A. Total soluble salt content B. Organic matter content
C. Nitrogen content D. Phosphorus content

124.  Denitrification is more in:
A. Waterlogged soils B. Well drained soils
C. Heavy soils D. Light soils

125.  Depth of cultivated soils is upto:
A. 5 cm B. 15 cm
C. 30 cm D. 45 cm

126.  Desert soils are found in:
A. Arid and semi arid region B. Humid and sub-humid region
C. Arid and humid region D. All of the above regions

127.  Diameter of clay particle is:
A. Less than 0.002 mm B. 0.05 - 0.5 mm
C. 0.5 - 1.0 mm D. 0.7 - 0.9 mm

128.  Different soil separate may be determined with the help of:
A. International pipette method B. Yet's chart
C. Munsell chart D. None of the above

129.  Diphenyl amine is an indicator, which is used in determination of:
A. Organic carbon B. Phosphorus
C. Potassium D. Iron

130.  Dominant organisms found in a compost pit are:
A. Thermophilic B. Psychrophilic
C. Mesophilic D. Psychrophilic and mesophilic

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