CSS :: Soil Science

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131.  Downward movement of food synthesized in leaves takes place through:
A. Xylme B. Phloem
C. Both these D. None of these

132.  DQ = DA (dc/dx) dt is the:
A. Fick's law B. Darcy's law
C. Stoke's law D. None of these

133.  Earth worms present in the soil:
A. Reduce soil fertility B. Increase soil fertility
C. Harm plants D. Causes plant diseases

134.  Earth's total weight is contributed by different spheres as:
A. 6.91% lithosphere, 93.06% hydrosphere, 0.03%% atmosphere B. 93.06% lithosphere, 6.91% hydrosphere, 0.03% atmosphere
C. 92.03% lithosphere. 7.01% hydrosphere, 0.96% atmosphere D. None of above

135.  Efficiency of applied fertilizers in rice crop is:
A. 5-50% B. 10-75%
C. 50-75% D. 60-90%

136.  Efficiency of applied fertilizers in whet crop is:
A. 20-50% B. 35-50%
C. 60-80% D. 44-64%

137.  Efficiency of symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation depends on:
A. Host characteristics B. Mocrobial stain characteristics
C. Ecological conditons D. All the above

138.  Elements, which are absorbed from the soil, are known as:
A. Plant nutrients B. Plant components
C. Plant feeders D. Plant supplements

139.  Eluviations refers to:
A. Removal of clay from above horizons to lower horizons B. Removal of clay and sesquioxide from above horizons to lower horizons
C. Removal of sesquioxide from above horizons to lower horizons D. None of the above

140.  Entry of K+ ions through root hair having to low K+ ion content in the soil is mediated through:
A. Ion exchange B. Mass flows phenomenon
C. Donan equibibrium process D. Utilization of metabolic energy

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