CSS :: Soil Science

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161.  Heterotrophic organisms obtain energy from the biological oxidation of:
A. Organic carbon B. NH4
C. SO4-2 D. CO2

162.  Highly available form of phosphorus at pH 7.5 is:
A. H2PO4 B. PO3
C. HPO4 D. Insoitol

163.  Hilly soils are low in lime and:
A. Alkaline B. Acidic
C. Saline D. None of these

164.  Horizontal layers in the soil profile are known as:
A. Soil columns B. Horizontal zones
C. Soil horizons D. Rhizospheres

165.  How many orders are included in the 7th Approximation system of soil classification?
A. 8 B. 15
C. 10 D. 12

166.  Smectite groups include:
A. Kaolinite B. Brucite
C. Saponite D. Illite

167.  Humus colloids are composed basically of:
A. Carbon B. Nitrogen
C. Helium D. Ozone

168.  Humus enhances the mineral breakdown and increases the availability of some:
A. Anions B. Cations
C. Neutral ions D. None of these

169.  Hydraulic conductivity of soils varies directly with:
A. Capillary porosity B. Non-capillary porosity
C. Total porosity D. Water holding capacity

170.  Hydrogen requirement of plants in met by:
A. Absorption of hydrogen from air B. Absorption of hydrogen from water
C. Absorption of hydrogen from soil D. Break-down of water within the plant

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