CSS :: Soil Science

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181.  Igneous rocks are formed by:
A. Cooling of molten magma B. Weathering of sedimentary rocks
C. Metamorphosis of sedimentary rocks D. None of above

182.  Illuviation refers to:
A. Accumulation of clay and sesquioxide in lower horizons B. Accumulation of clay and sesquioxide in upper horizons
C. Removal of clay and sesquioxide from lower horizons D. None of the above

183.  In 'Detailed Soil Survey' the base maps used having scale:
A. 1" - 1 mile B. 1" - 16 mile
C. 1" - 8 mile D. None of above

184.  In a compost pit, the heat of combustion of organic matter raises the temperature when decay is occurring rapidly. During decay, the temperature rises by:
A. 75 to 90?C B. 60 to 75?C
C. 50 to 72?C D. 40 to 60?C

185.  In a waterlogged soil the concentration of ______ is high:
A. Ethane B. Methane
C. Carbon dioxide D. Carbon monoxide

186.  In acid soil rock phosphate should be applied:
A. At the time of sowing B. 5 days before sowing
C. 30 days after sowing D. 30 days before sowing

187.  In acid soils, availability of Fe is:
A. High B. Low
C. Medium D. Not affected

188.  In acid soils, phosphorous is fixed as:
A. Iron and Aluminum phosphate B. Calcium phosphate
C. Fluroapatite D. Hydoxyapatite

189.  In CAN, nitrogen is present in following forms:
A. Nitrate form B. Ammonical form
C. Both of the above D. None of the above

190.  In case of ammonia synthesis the reaction is:
A. Endothermic B. Exothermic
C. Both the above D. None of the above

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