CSS :: Nature Theories and State Function

81.  The monistic theory regarding the functions of the state is based on the principle that:
A. The individual and the state exist for each other B. The individual exists for sake of the state
C. The state exists for the sake of the individual D. The individual and the state are opposed to each other

82.  Keeping in view the functions performed by the modern state it has been described as:
A. A police state B. A totalitarian state
C. A totalitarian state D. A capitalist state
E. A welfare state    

83.  The view that the state is an end in itself was expressed by:
A. Early Greek thinkers B. Individualists
C. Marxists D. Socialists

84.  The view that "State comes into existence for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good life" was expressed by:
A. Plato B. Aristotle
C. Bentham D. Idealists

85.  The liberal thinker of the nineteenth century considered the state as:
A. A welfare agency B. A necessary evil
C. Preserver of Liberty D. Instrument of exploitation

86.  The nineteenth century liberal thinkers held that:
A. Each law promotes individual liberty B. Each law restricts individual liberty
C. There is no relationship between law and liberty D. Law is the first condition of liberty

87.  The best exposition of liberal concept of the nature and functions of the state is found in the writings of:
A. Karl Marx B. John Locke
C. Montesquieu D. Machiavelli

88.  Individualist philosophy which is one of the theories of liberalism, advocated:
A. Maximum state control over the individual B. Least state interference in the affairs of the individual
C. Concentration of all powers in the hands of a single ruler D. Guarantee of individual liberty through law

89.  The economic justification individualism was offered by:
A. J.S.Mill B. Adam Smith
C. Herbert Smith D. Locke

90.  The political justification for individualism was offered by:
A. Herbert Spencer B. Marx
C. J.S.Mill D. Adam Smith

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