CSS :: Nature Theories and State Function

111.  Which one of the functions listed below falls in the category of compulsory functions?
A. Regulation of trade and industry B. Protection of health and provision of medical relief
C. Maintenance of civil and criminal courts D. Maintenance of works of public utility

112.  A welfare state performs:
A. Only walfare functions B. Only protective functions
C. Both protective and welfare functions D. Either protective or welfare function

113.  One of the protective functions performed by the welfare state is:
A. Provision of education B. Regulation of working conditions
C. Protection of health D. Protection of family and property

114.  A welfare state:
A. Does not impose any restriction on individual liberty B. Restricts individual liberty
C. Has nothing to do with liberty D. Allows only economic liberty

115.  A welfare state believes in:
A. Principle of equal taxation B. Taxing only the industrialists
C. Graded taxation D. No taxation

116.  One of the serious hurdles in the way of implementing the ideals of welfare state is:
A. Reluctance of government servants to assume more responsibility B. Indifferent attitude of the politicians
C. Lack of interest by the common people D. Reluctance of people to pay high taxes

117.  The Socialists consider the state as:
A. A necessary evil B. An instrument of exploitation
C. A divine institution D. A positive good

118.  In the economic sphere the Socialists are in favour of:
A. Free competition B. Regulation of means of production and distribution
C. Non-interference in the economic activities D. Multi-nationals

119.  The term socialism was first used by:
A. Kroptikan B. Marx
C. Robert Owen D. Bentham

120.  Who said that "Socialism is like a hat that has lost its shape because everybody wears it":
A. G.D.H. Cole B. C.E.M.Joad
C. T.H.Green D. H.J.Laski

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