CSS :: Nature Theories and State Function

121.  A Socialist state stands for:
A. Leaving the individual completely free B. Assigning only police functions to state
C. Provision of maximum opportunities of progress to all members of the community D. Raising the living standard of the poor and down-trodden

122.  A Socialist state stands for:
A. Free economic competition B. Social control of the means of production and distribution
C. Class-struggle D. Abolition of state

123.  Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. Socialism is opposed to capitalism B. Socialism gives more importance to individual than society
C. Socialism favours public control of the means of production D. Socialism is production

124.  Which one of following statements is correct?
A. Ina socialist state there is widegulf between the haves and have-nots B. Socialist state is characterised by waste and injustice
C. In a Socialist state production is carried on for the good of the producing class D. A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

125.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. A socialist state is in favour of nationalisation of lands and mines B. A socialist state is in a favour of free enterprises
C. A socialist state by nature is anti democratic D. A socialist state is always in favour of status quo

126.  The objective of a Socialist state is to:
A. Establish a just and equitable society B. Perpetuate existing class distinctions
C. Do away with the institution of the state D. Establish a stateless and classless society

127.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Socialist state aims at bringing about peaceful changes B. Socialist state aims at bringing about violent changes
C. Socialist state aims at about constitutional changes D. A socialist state stands for status quo

128.  A socialist state lays emphasis on:
A. Political liberty B. Economic equality
C. Right to private property D. Independence of judiciary

129.  The Socialism advocated by Robert Owen is known as:
A. Scientific Socialism B. Collectivism
C. Syndicalism D. Utopian Socialism

130.  The theory of Scientific Socialism is largely based on the teachings of:
A. Karl Marx B. Lenin
C. Stalin D. Chou-En Lai

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