CSS :: Nature Theories and State Function

131.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Socialism is a compromise between Communism and Liberalism B. Socialism is a half way house between individualism and idealism
C. Socialism is a compromise between Communism and Idealism D. Socialism is idealism minus its impracticability

132.  Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. By assigning too many functions to the state the socialists greatly strain the state machinery B. State regulation of means of production and distribution greatly dampens the initiative of the individuals
C. In a socialist state the importance of bureaucracy greatly increases D. Socialist state perpetuates class distinctions

133.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. In a socialist state there is wide gulf between the Have and Have nots B. Socialist state is characterised by waste and injustice
C. In a socialist state production is carried on for the good of the producing class D. A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

134.  A socialist state lays emphasis on:
A. Political liberty B. Economic equality
C. Right to private property D. Independence of judiciary

135.  According to the Liberal thinkers the functions of the state should be:
A. Unlimited B. Limited
C. Controlled D. Uncontrolled

136.  The welfare theory is based on:
A. Democratic principles B. Aristocratic principles
C. Anarchist principle D. Marxist principle

137.  Which one of the following state enjoys the distinction of being the first socialist state of the world?
A. Soviet Union B. U.S.A.
C. Britain D. China

138.  The modern individualists are in favour of a:
A. Police state B. Welfare state
C. Stateless society D. Totalitarian state

139.  The Welfare state aims at:
A. Abolition of private property B. Creation of a classless society
C. Abolition of religion D. Promotion of material welfare of the individual

140.  Who of the following is associated with the statement that the main function of state is to 'hinder to the hindrances to good life':
A. Individualists B. Liberals
C. Utilitarianists D. Socialists

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