CSS :: Important Geography MCQs

221.  Maximum Point on Fahrenheit scale is:
A. 232?F B. 212?P
C. 273?F D. 373?F

222.  Percentage of nitorgen in the air is:
A. 21% B. 68%
C. 78% D. 70%

223.  Reg is also known as:
A. Loess B. Blow out
C. Hamada D. None of these

224.  The solar eclipse is caused when:
A. The earth comes between the moon and the sun B. When the earth is obscured by the mercury
C. When the moon comes between the sun and the earth D. Just after the lunar eclipse

225.  In Bar graphs the bars should always start from:
A. First line B. Second line
C. Third line D. Zerc line

226.  An example of bird's foot delta could be traced at:
A. Amazon B. Mississippi
C. Po D. Nile

227.  Percentage of Sodium Chloride in Sea water:
A. 10.80% B. 22%
C. 77.70% D. 19%

228.  Labrador is a:
A. Cold Current B. Warm current
C. None of these

229.  Peneplains are type of:
A. Coastal plains B. Depositional plains
C. Erosional plains D. None of these

230.  According to Krummel water covers of the globe:
A. 70.80% B. 71.70%
C. 71.80% D. None of these

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