CSS :: Important Geography MCQs

151.  Karst region originally a landscape located in:
A. Belgium B. Greece
C. Former Yogoslavia D. None of these

152.  At present time volcanoes are chiefly found along:
A. Circum pacific belt B. Appalachian region
C. Karakoram-Kunlun Chain D. None of these

153.  It represents a stage in the formation of glacier:
A. Fjord B. Graben
C. Fim D. None of these

154.  Famous geyser which shows remarkable regularity is:
A. Alexander Garden Fiji B. Yellow stone Parfc U.S.A.
C. Murcia Spain D. None of these

155.  Caspian sea is:
A. Wholly enclosed sea B. Partially enclosed sea
C. Open sea

156.  Mariana Trench is about:
A. 40/000 feet deep B. 20/000 feet
C. 36/000 feet

157.  Continental shelf is entirely absent:
A. In European continent B. In mountainous coasts
C. Both

158.  The principal device used to show elevations is associated with:
A. Weather maps B. Topographical maps
C. Uppear air charts

159.  95-% of the lithosphere is composed of:
A. Igneous Rocks B. Sedimentary rocks
C. Metamorphic rocks

160.  Directly above the focus of earthquakes on the surface of earth:
A. Straight line to focus B. Epi centre
C. Focus point

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