CSS :: Important Geography MCQs

111.  An airline pilot flying nonstop from Narvic to San Francisco is likely to use:
A. Mercator projection: B. Polar orthographic projection
C. Polar stereographic projection

112.  Lines Joining places of equal rainfall are called:
A. Contour lines B. Isohalines
C. Isohyet

113.  Density of population can be shown by:
A. Coropleth B. Isoplefh
C. Both

114.  Distribution of daily atmospheric conditions over an area is whown in a:
A. Distribution map B. Weather map
C. Both

115.  The method of transferring lines of latitutde and longitude from globe to a plane surface is called
A. Cylindrical projection B. Map projection
C. Loxodrome

116.  The distribution of population in a map is least represented by
A. Dot symbol B. Bar graph
C. Pie graph

117.  Point symbol and line symbol are used in preparation of
A. Weather maps B. Distribution maps
C. Both

118.  The best method of actual distribution of population is:
A. Dot method B. Shade mathod
C. Comparative divided circles

119.  If you are asked to draw a map of an area showing the distribution of population you will use:
A. Point symbol B. Line symbol
C. Area symbol

120.  Average monthly temperature of a place can be represented by means of:
A. Bar Graph B. Line graph
C. Pie graph

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