CSS :: Important Geography MCQs

121.  Isohytes stand for lines joining places of equal
A. Height B. Rainfall
C. Salinity

122.  Distribution maps are based on
A. Statistical data: B. Descriptive information
C. Empirical observations

123.  To show the distribution of temperature (mean monthly) of a station the best method is:
A. Line graph B. Bar graph
C. Histogram

124.  For mapping a vast temperature region the best suited projection is:
A. Conical with one standard parallel B. Conical with two standard parallel
C. Mollweide

125.  For drawing maps of polar region an ideal map projection would be:
A. Zenithal equal area B. Sansbn Flamstad
C. Mercator D. None of above

126.  Lines joining points of equal atmospheric pressure are known as:
A. Isotherms B. Isobars
C. Isohytes D. None of above

127.  One of the properties of Mercator projection is that it preserves:
A. Shape B. Area
C. Distance

128.  For drawing map of Antarchtica we use:
A. Cylindrical projection B. Zenithal projection
C. Conical projection

129.  A straight line joining Islamabad with Makkah is the true direction of Qibla from the former city on a map drawn on:
A. international projection B. Mercator projection
C. Simple cylindrical projection

130.  Barometric gradient is the rate of fall of pressure measured in a direction:
A. Oblique to the isobars B. At right angle to the isobars
C. In the general direction of isobars

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