CSS :: Important Geography MCQs

231.  Pacific ocean is roughly in shape:
A. Conical B. Triangular
C. Circular D. None of these

232.  Depth of Mariana Trench is:
A. 35000ft B. 34250ft
C. 38000ft D. 36161ft

233.  To whow the distribution of animals on a map we prefer to use:
A. Shade method B. Isopleths
C. Dot method D. None of these

234.  Tropical desert and steppe climates occur between latitudes:
A. 15? to 35? N and S B. 10? to 25? N
C. 10? to 20? N and S D. None of these

235.  Tropical Savanna land has the greatest potential for:
A. Inland fish culture B. Cattle rearing
C. Irrigated orchard farming D. Extensive wheat farming

236.  The Savanna type of Vegetation is different from the other type of vegetation because of its:
A. Thorny bushes B. Wide spread scrub
C. Tall grass and scattered trees D. Evergreen trees

237.  Evaporation is a process by which:
A. Hot air rises B. Cooling takes place
C. A substance changes from liquid to vapour D. Air becomes saturated

238.  The amont of heat received in any part of the earth's surface is determined mainly by its:
A. Relief B. Longitude
C. Latitude D. Distance from the sea

239.  Centigrade equivalent of 77?F is:
A. 39?C B. 18?C
C. 29?C D. 25?C

240.  Velocity of wind is measured by:
A. Wind Vane B. A barogram
C. An anemometer D. Hygrometer

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