CSS :: Important Geography MCQs

271.  Beaches are common feature of:
A. River deposition B. Glacial deposition
C. Marine deposition

272.  Hanging Valley is the ________ of glacier:
A. Erosional feature B. Depositional feature
C. None of these

273.  Terminal moraines are _____ of glacier:
A. Erosional feature B. Depositional feature
C. None of these

274.  Glaciers of Switzerland and Alaska are:
A. Continental glaciers B. Piedmont glaciers
C. Mountain glaciers D. None of these

275.  Glaciers of Himalayas and Andes are:
A. Piedmont glaciers B. Mountain glaciers
C. Continental glaciers D. None of these

276.  Glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica are:
A. Piedmont glaciers B. Mountain glaciers
C. Continental glaciers D. None of these

277.  One of the following is related to the formation of glacier:
A. Nunataks B. Firn
C. Glacial bench

278.  The largest sea of the world is:
A. Red Sea B. Mediterranean Sea
C. None of these

279.  The largest Bay is:
A. Hudson Bay B. Bay of Bengal
C. Bay of Biscay D. None of these

280.  Gulf of Mexico lies in the:
A. Pacific ocean B. Indian ocean
C. Atlantic ocean D. Southern ocean

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