CSS :: Important Geography MCQs

301.  Rice farming differs greatly from wheat farming with respect to:
A. Water requirements B. Soil type
C. Relief feature D. Farm attention

302.  The highest paid sugar-cane plantation workers in the world are found in Queensland, Australia because the:
A. Cost of living in Queensland is the highest in Australia B. Workers live in developed economies
C. Workers have to work for long hours D. Risk of sunstroke in plantations is very great

303.  Successful cotton cultivation depends on the following except:
A. 200 frost free days B. Sufficient rain coming in frequent showers
C. Constantly high temperature of over 27?C D. Sunny weather during picking

304.  Truck farming refers to:
A. Commercial livestock farming in steppes B. Greenhouse farming in New Zealand
C. Growing of vegetables in Atlantic U.S. D. Growing of citrus fruit in Europe

305.  To speed up the process of crop maturity as well as strengthening of roots, farmers use:
A. Nitrate B. Phosphate
C. Potash D. Calcium

306.  Which of the following major vegetable oils of the world is excelling in production per annum:
A. Palm oil B. Cotton read oil
C. Coconut oil D. Soya bean oil

307.  Yugoslavian coast is a typical example of:
A. A Ria coast B. Fiord coast
C. Dalmation coast D. An estuarine coast

308.  The shape of the coastline is changing continuously. Its rate of change depends on the following except:
A. Tilt of the earth B. Structure of rocks
C. Gradient of coast D. Action of tides and currents

309.  The number of dots on a location map is usually fewer than on a dot map which shows:
A. Qualitative distribution B. Quantitative distribution
C. Both a and b

310.  In Britain population is published on:
A. County basis B. Average basis
C. Parish basis

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