Engineering :: Railway Engineering

231.  In India, the crossing number for passenger turnouts is taken as
A. 6 B. 8.5
C. 10 D. 12

232.  A cross-over requires
A. two sets of switches and two crossings B. two sets of switches and four crossings
C. four sets of switches and four crossings D. none of these

233.  Two cross-overs are laid between two tracks in the case of
A. diamond crossing B. scissors crossing
C. level crossing D. all of these

234.  The crossing in which the right hand rail of one track crosses the left hand rail of another track or vice versa is called
A. acute angle crossing B. obtuse angle crossing
C. square crossing D. none of these

235.  When one track is superimposed on the other track, it is known as
A. ladder track B. double slip track
C. Gaunlet track D. none of these

236.  A three-throw requires
A. two sets of switches and two crossings B. three sets of switches and two crossings
C. two sets of switches and three crossings D. three sets of switches and three crossings

237.  When two tracks of same or different gauges cross each other at any angle, the crossing provided is
A. diamond crossing B. scissors crossing
C. level crossing D. all of these

238.  The system of signalling used on single-line working, is
A. absolute block system B. space interval system
C. time interval system D. pilot guard system

239.  In case the block system fails, then the system used is
A. space interval system B. time interval system
C. pilot guard system D. any one of these

240.  The levers for
A. points B. stop signal
C. crossing gate

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