Engineering :: Railway Engineering

211.  The track from which train diverts is known as
A. turn-out B. main line
C. crossing track D. point

212.  The type of turn-out in which both the turn out rails are movable is known as
A. Wharton safety switches B. split switches
C. stub switches D. none of these

213.  The split switch type of turn out
A. makes one turn - out rail and one main rail line movable B. gives more lateral rigidity to the turn - out
C. can be used by the trains moving at high speeds D. all of the above

214.  The trailing points in a track are those points at which the train
A. first pass over switches and then over crossings B. first pass over crossings and then over switches
C. first pass either over switches or crossings D. none of the above

215.  The distance between the running edge of the stock and switch rails at the switch heel, is called
A. heel clearance B. heel divergence
C. heel spacing D. either (a) or (b)

216.  The heel clearance is always measured
A. parallel B. perpendicular

217.  The distance between the adjacent faces of the stock rail and the check rail, is called
A. heel divergence B. heel clearance
C. flangeway clearance D. throw of switch

218.  The minimum value of flangeway clearance is
A. 60 mm B. 80 mm
C. 100 mm D. 120 mm

219.  Wing rails are provided in crossings.
A. Yes B. No

220.  Stock rails are fitted
A. near tongue rails B. near check rails
C. against tongue rails D. against check rails

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