CSS :: Nature Theories and State Function

61.  A state, which has no religion of its own but protects all religions is called:
A. Theocratic B. ascist
C. Anarchist theory D. Secular
E. Absolutist    

62.  Those who favour the abolition of state altogether are called:
A. Fascists B. Guild Socialists
C. Anarchists D. Syndicalists
E. Nazis    

63.  Those who believe that many functions of the state should be performed by guilds are called:
A. Syndicalists B. Welfare liberals
C. Socialists D. Marxists
E. Guild socialists    

64.  Which of the following functions whould not be performed by a modern welfare state?
A. Interference in the religion of the people B. Restrictions on economic activities
C. Protection of an particular class of citizens D. Putting of restrictions on the sale of intoxicating drugs
E. Protecting of citizens from foreign aggressions    

65.  Who of the following said that the state is 'to hinder hindrances to good life?
A. Individualists B. Liberals
C. Socialists D. Communists
E. Utilitarian    

66.  Which of the following is considered to be optional function of the state?
A. Imposition of taxes B. Administration of justice
C. Opening of employment exchanges D. Fixing legal relations between individuals
E. Maintaining of law and order    

67.  Which of the following is true about nature of liberalism i.e. it is near to?
A. It is individualism B. It is democracy
C. It is socialism D. It is totalitarianism
E. It is individualism plus democracy    

68.  Which of the following is correct about liberal theory about state?
A. It is an unnecessary evil B. It is ethical idea
C. It is march of God on earth D. It is necessary evil
E. It is instrument of exploitation    

69.  Which of the following preaches the establishment of a stateless society?
A. The Idealists B. The Fascists
C. The Individualists D. The Anarchists
E. The Socialists    

70.  Which of the following is not not true about Indiviudalists views about functions of the state?
A. It should promote morality B. It should protect private property
C. It should ensure justice D. It should maintain law and order
E. It should defend people from foreign invasions    

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