CSS :: Basic Genetics

61.  Before proposing his theory, Mendel:
A. Had no idea of factors and genes B. Had idea that all the factors are carried by genes
C. Had idea of chromoscmes but not the genes D. Had no idea of chromosomes and genes

62.  In man certain characters may be dominant and recessive. Which of these characters are dominant:
A. Colour blindness and haemophilia B. Normal coloured vision and normal clotting
C. Testelessness to PTC D. Attached ear lobes

63.  Out breeding in sheep produces improved strains of sheep which provide increased amount of meat and wool than in breeds. This is an example of:
A. Heterosis B. Cross breeding
C. Inbreeding D. All of these

64.  When two pea plants with white flowers were crossed, F1 hybrids produced purple colour unlike their parents but like their remote ancestors, this is an example of:
A. Supplementary genes B. Complementary genes
C. Lethal genes D. Atavism

65.  Genes that reduce the viability of individual or cause its death of bearer are called:
A. Supplementary genes B. Compementary genes
C. Lethal genes D. None of these

66.  When red and white cattles are crossed, they produce a roan offspring which has both red and white hairs on skin, it is called:
A. Incomplete dominance B. Codominance
C. Atavism D. None of these

67.  Ratio of 9:3:4 is obtained instead of 9:3:3:1 under the condition when there is gene interaction involving:
A. Supplementary genes B. Complementary genes
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

68.  Instead of usual mendelian ratio of 9:3:3:1 often ratio of 9:7 is obtained in some of the crosses which is possibly due to interaction of:
A. Complementary genes B. Supplementary genes
C. Modifier genes D. None of these

69.  In a gene interaction the gene that masks the expression of another gene is termed:
A. Epistatic gene B. Hypostatic gene
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

70.  Allelic gene interaction is exhibited by which of these:
A. Incomplete dominance B. Codominance
C. Lethal genes D. All of these

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