CSS :: Medical Jurisprudence

101.  The injuries usually caused in accident are known
A. Graze abrasion B. Sliding abrasion
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

102.  When the skin is crushed as a result of constant or high pressure this type of abrasion is called
A. Graze abrasion B. Pressure abrasion
C. Imprint abrasion D. Impaad abrasion

103.  Hanging is example of ______ type of abrasion
A. Pressure B. Impact
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

104.  The abrasion results from the body coming in rough contact with a rough surface is_____
A. Direct imprint B. Impact
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

105.  A contusion caused by blunt injury resulting in swelling of the part due to effusion of blood into the neighbouring tissues from the ruptured capillaries without any discontinuity of the skin is called
A. Contusion B. Bruise
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

106.  Bruises are also called
A. Serious injuries B. Simple injuries
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

107.  An injury caused by sharp cutting instrument resulting in clean cut wound is called
A. Incised wound B. Lacerated wound
C. Bruise D. None of above

108.  The injuries which produce tearing of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with edges torm, jugged and irregular are called
A. Simple injuries B. Contusion
C. Punctued wound D. Lacerated wound

109.  The injuries caused by blunt instruments which driven through he skin into the deeper structure are called
A. Punctured wounds B. Stab wounds
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of above

110.  The wounds caused by knives, daggers, sickles, pin, needle etc are_____ wounds
A. Punctured B. Stab
C. Performating D. Both (a) and (b)

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