Entry Test MCQ :: Usage Topic Complementry Tests

171.  Unfortunately, the old city was severely effected by the war.
A. unfortunately B. was
C. severely D. effected

172.  A timid young woman has scarcely no ability to hold a job.
A. has B. scarcely
C. no ability D. to hold

173.  After they walked in the museum, they searched for the officer.
A. after B. walked in
C. searched for D. officer

174.  An incident that farther embittered the Colonists occurred in a Boston street.
A. an incident B. farther
C. embittered D. occurred

175.  The confrontation between he and his family forced him to leave home.
A. the confrontation B. between
C. he D. to leave

176.  She bought me a chocolate box for my birthday.
A. bought me B. a chocolate box
C. for D. my

177.  At Burger King, the hamburgers are very similar to Mc Donald.
A. at Burger King B. the hamburgers
C. very similar D. to Mc Donald

178.  Raising ticket prices maybe a relatively easy way to rise funds.
A. ticket prices B. maybe
C. easy way D. to rise

179.  John made Martha to feel bad about running over the dog that ran onto the road.
A. made B. to feel
C. bad D. onto

180.  Yesterday, whe felt badly.
A. yesterday B. she
C. felt D. badly

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