Entry Test MCQ :: Usage Topic Complementry Tests

161.  The alarm frightened everyone in the class and she more than other residents.
A. frightened B. she
C. more than D. residents

162.  The second comedian was the funniest of the two.
A. the second B. was
C. the funniest D. of the two

163.  Her jokes are sometimes vary difficult to understand.
A. her jokes B. sometimes
C. vary D. understand

164.  The tribesman made an excellent soldier-loyal and ready to die for their cause.
A. the second B. tribesman
C. soldier D. their

165.  Sara more faster than Jack.
A. Sara ran B. more
C. faster D. than Jack

166.  The achievements as well as the failures has been a matter of contention.
A. the achievements B. as well as
C. the failures D. has been

167.  Experts say that there is a close relationship between apes with baboons.
A. experts say B. there is
C. relationship D. with

168.  The younger of the two claims to swin as well or better than his elder brother.
A. the younger B. to swin
C. as well D. better than

169.  Kathy noticed that the chocolate icing had been bit off the birthday cake.
A. noticed B. chocolate icing
C. bit off D. birthday cake

170.  They will continue their battle against the blaze until they brought it under control.
A. will continue B. battle against
C. the blaze D. brought

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