Entry Test MCQ :: Usage Topic Complementry Tests

141.  Many new parents worry if their baby is healthy or not.
A. new parents B. if
C. their baby D. healthy or not

142.  The new members sweared that they would never disclose the secret.
A. new members B. sweared
C. would D. disclose

143.  John could hardly do no better than Bob.
A. could B. no
C. better D. than Bob

144.  Cynthia argued to her mother over her refusal to attend the concert.
A. Tom's classmates B. over
C. her D. to attend

145.  The new rules are more stricter than the older ones.
A. new rules B. more
C. than D. older ones

146.  At a signal from Andy, all the members raised up from their seats.
A. at a signal B. all the members
C. raised up D. from their seats

147.  I agree that the knowledge of Latin is helpful for build a good English vocabulary.
A. that B. helpful
C. for build D. a good

148.  A person's behavior can be effected by others.
A. a person's B. can be
C. effected D. by others

149.  We enjoyed choosing the paintings, visiting painters, and to find frames.
A. enjoyed B. choosing
C. visiting painters D. to find

150.  The series of letters that Margaret wrote to her father contain a valuable commentary.
A. the series B. letters
C. contain D. commentary

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