Entry Test MCQ :: Usage Topic Complementry Tests

151.  The quality of play was even worser than it had been during the first half.
A. the quality of play B. was even
C. worser D. had been

152.  Prior to her presidency, an attitude of cockiness and carelessness were common.
A. prior to B. an attitude
C. cockiness and carelessness D. were

153.  Following traditional family values have become a thing of past.
A. following B. family values
C. have become D. a thing of past

154.  Now that she had competed many tests, whe feels relatively confident.
A. now B. had competed
C. she feels D. relatively confident

155.  Elected officials feel nothing but disdain of common peoples.
A. elected officials B. nothing but
C. disdain of D. common peoples

156.  None of the candidates are planning to get back.
A. none B. candidates
C. are D. get back

157.  He had already laid out the site, cleared the land and began to dig out the cave.
A. laid out B. cleared
C. began D. dig out

158.  There is no reason for you becoming so angry with Jason.
A. reason for B. you becoming
C. so angry D. with Jason

159.  Had she only done like I told her, whe would not have faced the problems.
A. had B. like
C. I told D. would not have

160.  She would not have heard about it if I would not have told her.
A. would B. about it
C. would not have D. told her

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