Engineering :: Irrigation Engineering

141.  The channel after attaining its section and longitudinal slope, will be said to be in
A. initial B. final
C. permanent

142.  Lacey assumed a trapezoidal cross-section of a regime channel
A. Yes B. No

143.  Lacey's theory as applied to channel design, involves trial and error procedure.
A. Agree B. Disagree

144.  The perimeter discharge (P-Q) relation is given by the equation
A. P = 2.25 Q1/2 B. P = 2.25 Q3/2
C. P = 4.75 Q1/2 D. P = 4.75 Q3/2

145.  Which of the following satement is correct?
A. In Lacey's silt theory, the derivation of the various formulae depends upon a single factor 'f'. B. Lacey's equation includes a concentration of silt as variable.
C. Lacey properly define the silt grade and silt charge. D. Lacey introduced semi-ellipse as ideal shape of a regime channel.

146.  Distributary head regulators are provided
A. to control the supplies to the off-taking channel B. to control the silt entry in the off-taking canal
C. to stop the supply, when not needed, in the off-taking canal D. all of the above

147.  Cross regulators are provided
A. to raise the water level to its upstream during the periods of low discharges in the parent channel B. to help in closing the supply to down stream of the parent channel
C. to absorb fluctuation in various sections of the canal system D. all of the above

148.  A structure constructed in an irrigation canal for the purpose of wasting some of its water, is known as a
A. fall B. escape
C. regulator D. none of these

149.  The excapes must lead the surplus water to natural drainage.
A. True B. False

150.  Escapes are also known as
A. outlet B. safety valves
C. regulators

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