Engineering :: Irrigation Engineering

131.  A channel is said to be in scouring when the critical velocity ratio is
A. equal to B. less than
C. greater than

132.  When the critical velocity ratio is less than one, the channel is said to be in silting.
A. True B. False

133.  Which of the following statement is wrong?
A. In Kennedy's wilt theory, no account was taken of silt concentration and bed load. B. Kennedy did not gave any slope equation.
C. In Kennedy's theory, silt grade and silt charge were not defined. D. none of the above

134.  Kennedy gave his own formula for the determination of mean velocity.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

135.  According to Lacey, a channel is said to be in regime, if
A. it flows in incoherent unlimited alluvium of the same character as that transported material B. its discharge is constant
C. the silt grade and the silt charge are constant D. all of the above

136.  The incoherent alluvium is a soil composed of loose granular graded material which can be scoured with the same ease with which it is deposited.
A. Right B. Wrong

137.  The main cause of silting in channel is
A. non-regime section B. inadequate slope
C. defective head regulator D. all of these

138.  According to Lacey
A. the silt is kept in suspension due to the force of vertical eddies B. the eddies are generated from bed and sides, both normal to the surface of generation
C. the vertical component of eddies generated from sides will also support the silt D. all of the above

139.  Lacey assumed that silt is kept in suspension because of the normal components of eddies generated from the
A. bed only B. side only
C. whole perimeter D. none of these

140.  Lacey gave a relation between
A. velocity and hydraulic mean depth B. area and velocity
C. both (a) and (b) D. none of these

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