Engineering :: Building Construction

181.  The width of jambs is
A. 57 mm to 76 mm B. 76 mm to 114 mm
C. 114 mm to 138 mm D. 138 mm to 152 mm

182.  The depth of jambs is
A. 57 mm to 76 mm B. 76 mm to 114 mm
C. 114 mm to 138 mm D. 138 mm to 152 mm

183.  Which of the following statement is correct?
A. The flat members connecting the jambs at the top is called head. B. The head is of the same size as the jamb
C. The jamb are tennoned into the head and wedged. D. all of the above

184.  The projections which help in securing the head of a door frame to the masonry, are called
A. reveals B. stops
C. horns D. styles

185.  The window which projects outward from the walls of a room to provide an increased area of opening for admitting greater light and ventilation, is called
A. dormer window B. corner window
C. bay window D. clerestorey window

186.  The window used with the object of providing light and air to the enclosed space below the roof, is called
A. dormer window B. corner window
C. bay window D. clerestorey window

187.  The window usually provided near the main roof of a room and opens above the adjoining verandah, is called
A. dormer window B. corner window
C. bay window D. clerestorey window

188.  In air conditioned building, a door has to serve both purposes of opening and closing. The most suitable type of door for this purpose is
A. sliding door B. swinging door
C. revolving door D. none of these

189.  For ordinary Portland cement, the initial setting time should not be more than
A. 30 minutes B. 1 hour
C. 5 hours D. 10 hours

190.  The cement which is commonly used in all types of structures and require no special consideration, is called
A. rapid hardening cement B. normal setting cement
C. quick setting cement D. white cement

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