CSS :: Agriculture Genetics Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

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211.  Maize is:
A. Maonecious plant B. Dioecious plant
C. Polygamous D. None of the above

212.  Most of the mutation have effect:
A. Deleterious B. Good
C. Bad D. Both (b) & (c)

213.  Male gamete carries ______ chromosome numbers:
A. Non-permeable B. 2n
C. 3n D. n - 1

214.  Mango fruit is a:
A. Pepo B. Pome
C. Berry D. Drupe

215.  Mangrove plants show adaptation like:
A. Stilt roots B. Respiratory roots or pnematophores
C. Vivipary D. All of the above

216.  Mating between two individuals related by descent is:
A. Selfing B. Inbreeding
C. Outbreeding D. Maintenance of population

217.  Megaspore mother cell produces four megaspores out of which usually:
A. Only one megaspore is functional and the remaining three megaspores abort B. Two megaspores are functional and the remaining two megaspores abort
C. Three megaspores are functional and the fourth megaspore aborts D. All the four megaspores are functional

218.  Meiosis is essential for the organism for:
A. Inducing polyploidy B. Growth of the organism
C. Keeping the number of chromosomes constant from one generation to the other D. Increasing the number of cells

219.  Meiosis occurs in:
A. Generative cells B. New cells
C. Vegetative cells D. None of the above

220.  Which one of the following categories of seeds is the farmer expected to buy afresh every time?
A. Variety B. Hybrid
C. Synthetic D. Composite

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